Created by Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber

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Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Chalice Ritual©


The modern day alchemist works with Isis-Urania as a powerful ally to consciously introduce the principle of life and light into all aspects and levels of life.

Isis-Urania is the creation Goddess, the universal expression the Goddess takes in the Aquarian Age. Isis-Urania extends an invitation to embark upon a new magickal journey with her. The journey that will take you home, home to yourself, home to the deepest most powerful aspect of yourself, the primal feminine.

While the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Chalice Ritual© is ideally carried out with eight steps it can also be conducted using the simple three-step ritual process shown below. For the full eight-step ritual process please see the book Eighth Ray Magick The Magick of the Goddess – The Magick of Co-Creation.

You can work with the three-step Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Chalice Ritual© whenever you want to perform a simple Eighth Ray ritual to celebrate, honour and uphold the goddess within and to align with the universal creation goddess Isis-Urania.

You can work with the full eighth-step Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual© as an effective, powerful and life-changing ritual that works to create a path of return for the Divine Feminine within yourself and in the world. The Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual is the ideal ritual to use to send healing energies when the forces of darkness and chaos are active. The Isis-Urania Ritual is also a ritual prayer, a call for humanity to remember and walk the path of right relationship.

To perform the three-step Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Chalice Ritual© you will need a Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania Elixir and Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania anointing oil. You will also need a Porta Alchémica® Aura Mist.

The ritual purpose of the eight-step Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Chalice Ritual©

  1. Adjust, attune and align your consciousness with the Goddess energy and the inner creatrix
  2. Restore the feminine to her rightful place
  3. Create a path for all women to reconnect with their inner creatrix and magickal self
  4. Confer blessings from the goddess Isis-Urania
  5. Affirm, deepen and strengthen your relationship with the inner creatrix
  6. Ensuring the ‘reign’ of the Goddess is perpetuated
  7. Tap into the well of creation, the well of all possibility and infinite potentiality
  8. Sow the seeds of right relationship with one’s self, the world and the greater universe
  9. Anchor in the power of the Goddess in yourself and in the world
  10. Create a path of return for the feminine
  11. Send healing energies when the forces of darkness and chaos are active

For the full eight-step ritual process please see the book Eighth Ray Magick The Magick of the Goddess – The Magick of Co-Creation.

Three-Step Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Chalice Ritual©

Before you begin

Place on your altar Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania Elixir and Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania anointing oil.

Also place a beeswax or white candle and the Porta Alchémica® aura mist on your altar.

If possible use a specially dedicated chalice, goblet or bowl for this ritual. Put a small amount of pure water in your chalice.

You can add Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania ritual incense to your ritual, if you wish. Make sure the charcoal tablet is glowing and ready in the incense burner before you add the incense. Put a pinch of your selected ritual incense on the glowing charcoal before you begin the ritual.

Step 1: Anoint yourself

Place three drops of the Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania anointing oil in a triangle pattern on your inner wrists. Using your index finger touch the anointing oil on your left wrist and anoint your third eye between the eyebrows with the figure of the lemniscate which is a figure eight on its side.

Then rub your wrists together in a figure eight motion and inhale the fragrance deeply three times.

Say silently or preferably out loud,

“I attune to the magickal frequency of of Isis-Urania”

Step 2: Ingest the elixir as a ritual libation

Place three drops of the Porta Alchémica® Isis-Urania elixir in a triangular pattern into the water in the chalice. Start at the apex with one drop of elixir then one drop at each of the other two points of the triangle as indicated in the diagram.

As you do so say silently or out loud,

“My inner alchemist aligns with the energies and powers of the creation goddess Isis-Urania”

Place your hands in a triangular shape, thumb to thumb, index finger to index finger over the top of the chalice. Blow through the triangle onto the water.

Then say silently or preferably out loud,

“The sacred alchemical rose flowers within the chalice of my being.”

Slowly drink the potentised water in your chalice that has alchemically transformed to become an alchemical chalice of sacred libation.

Step 3: Lock in the magickal frequency and seal the aura

Spray the Porta Alchémica® Alchemist Aura Mist three times in the shape of a triangle: above the head, then above the right and then left shoulder to lock in your intent and seal the aura to hermetically contain the energies and powers you wish to express or make manifest.

Then say decisively and forcefully,

“Consummatum est!”

Your three-step Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Chalice Ritual© is now complete.

Eighth Ray Magick