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Porta Alchémica® Elemental Anointing Oils


‘Attune’ to the elemental powers
Porta Alchémica® elemental anointing oils support you to become attuned to specific vibrational qualities of the five elements and create a powerful magical focus for your outcome.

Each Porta Alchémica® elemental anointing oil is made at the optimum time for maximum magical potency and efficacy to enhance your attunement to the elements

  • Earth: balance, practicality, structure, beauty
  • Water: reflection, intuition, empathy, imagination
  • Air: mental dexterity, objectivity, communication
  • Fire: action, passion, transformation, purification
  • Quintessence: wholeness, alignment, life force

How to use

There are two ways of working with your anointing oil. Simply place on inner wrists, rub together and inhale the fragrance or use as part of an Eighth Ray ritual.

  1. Place 3 drops on inner wrist in the shape of a triangle and rub the wrists together Inhale fragrance deeply
  2. Use as part of an Eighth Ray Chalice Ritual© or Eighth Ray ritual of your choice
Porta Alchémica® anointing oils can be blended together with other planetaryzodiacal and elemental anointing oils to create your own unique and personalised alchemical fragrance and alchemical story. Have fun, be creative!

Full information on Eighth Ray rituals can be found in the book Eighth Ray Magic – The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation. Eighth Ray rituals form an integral part of what is taught in the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® online training programs, the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© and Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates©.

Eighth Ray Magick