Can the Eighth Ray rituals be conducted without the Porta Alchémica® alchemical formulations? Eighth Ray Magick® is an unprecedented revolutionary system of working with the power of the Goddess and the ...
Can I work with more than one Eighth Ray ritual in one day? I would like to work with the Isis-Urania Ritual daily, as well as the relevant Eighth Ray ...
How does a person know which ray they are on?Each holistic aspect of a person’s makeup is governed by a ray and the rays governing these aspects of the holistic ...
What are the rays? What is the spiritual or metaphysical significance of the Eighth Ray on the planet at this time?The rays are associated with types of expressions of consciousness. ...
Can I perform an Eighth Ray Ritual to antidote a ‘poison of spirit’ for another person? Or does the person have to be present in the ritual?Yes, you can perform ...
WHAT ARE THE ‘POISONS OF SPIRIT’?The ‘poisons of spirit’ are twelve imbalanced primordial forces that express as shadow behaviours that can bring unwanted reactions, projections, patterns and disappointments to our ...