Live Magickally© Moon Calendar
Welcome to the Live Magickally© Moon Calendar, where the captivating dance of our celestial companion takes centre stage. This magickal calendar showcases the mesmerising cycle of the lunar phases, and is an invitation to follow and harness the hidden power of the moon in your life.
By aligning your activities and intentions with the moon's phases, you can tap into the natural rhythms of the universe and work in harmony with its energies. Regularly consulting the moon calendar will help you stay aware of the current phase and its associated qualities, allowing you to make the most of each lunar cycle, connect with nature's rhythms and tap into the magickal side of reality for personal growth and transformation.
Use the Live Magickally® Moon Calendar to find the dates for Moon phases, Moon in zodiacal signs, Sun in zodiacal signs and much more. The dates and times are shown in your timezone.
We are regularly adding new tips, resources, rituals and more to the Live Magickally® Moon Calendar to help you create more magick in your daily life. This calendar is a wonderful resource that you can always come back to so you can be aware of and tap into the Moon’s magickal tides of power at any time.
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