Self-Isolation, Confinement and Pressure – An Alembic Where an Alchemist Does the Work of Self-Transformation and Transmutation

The current rules of self-isolation in most parts of the world have created very unique and unprecedented conditions for the majority of humanity. What almost every person in the world is experiencing right now can be alchemically referred to as being in ‘an alembic’.

Traditionally alembics are vessels used in distillation, where matter is transformed from one state to another by heat and under pressure with solvents.  In ancient alchemical traditions an alembic was a symbolic reference to an alchemist’s own physical organisim and consciousness, where he or she performed the work of self-transformation and transmutation.

Alchemists of old undertook incredible labours to metaphysically create the ideal conditions for transformation within themselves. These included prolonged pressure, constant heat and strict confinement – very similar ‘conditions’ that humanity finds itself experiencing in the current pandemic crisis.

The ancient alchemists knew very well that pressure, heat and confinement were the necessary conditions to be able to achieve their desired work of self-transformation and transmutation, alchemically referred to metaphorically as turning ‘lead’ into ‘gold’. The old alchemical adage correctly states:


Alchemically ‘lead’ in one sense refers to aspects of consciousness that are heavy, dull and unrefined. It describes the many ways we are weighed down and burdened by our old and unproductive thoughts and attitudes that keep us trapped in old patterns and slow down our evolution. As a metal, lead is known for its toxicity. It is a dirty metal to work with, it leaches its poisons into the environment and leaves behind a toxic slurry when it is processed.

The alchemist was well aware that by applying pressure to their consciousness, the ‘lead’ could be transformed to ‘gold’. The alchemists called this undertaking ‘The Great Work’.

Alchemically ‘gold’ in part refers to an enlightened consciousness, an expanded spiritual awareness and a state of living in accordance with one’s spiritual nature. The great work was always ‘an inside job’ in that the alchemist understood that they had to change the condition of their own consciousness in order to achieve their goal of becoming the perfected human, ‘Homo deus’, the divine human. The ancient alchemists worked with the powers of Nature and the cosmos to bring about this desired transformation.

“The secrets of alchemy exist to transform mortals from a state of suffering and ignorance to a state of enlightenment an bliss.”
Deepak Chopra


For those of you who have the First Light Porta Alchémica® alchemical formulations on hand, we recommend using our free online tool The Magician’s Story Creator or The Celestial Compendium Cards to identify the cosmic allies that can bring forth the most productive, transformative energies for you at this time. If you wish to supercharge your alchemical self-transformation, you can conduct the Eighth Ray magical rituals of your choice.

For those of you, who do not have the First Light Porta Alchémica® alchemical formulations on hand, we recommend using our free online tool The Magician’s Story Creator to identify your cosmic allies for this time and to read through the descriptions on our website to help you bring focus to the aspects of your consciousness where you can create change.

I would love to hear from you, please share your comments and experiences below.


Light in Extension


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