Working Magically to Make Positive and Lasting Change in the World

T­he world as we know it is changing rapidly and the forthright, powerful crone aspect of the Great Mother energy has come to the fore. It resonates within our hearts as a desire to ‘purpose good’ and to redefine our personal and collective values in order to restore order and peace in the world.

At this very important and pivotal time in history, the Goddess calls each one of us to co-create a new world with her. The souls who respond to the call to participate in the great restoration of Mother Earth and her people will blaze a fiery incandescent trail for those who will follow. These souls are the Eighth Ray ritual magicians, the Shamballa warrior magicians who are the warriors of light working with the Goddess and the unconquerable magic of light to make positive and lasting change in the world.


Eighth Ray Magic® is a unique complete and revolutionary system of working with nature, the powers of the cosmos and the unconquerable magic of light to transform yourself, your life and to change the fabric of the universe. It provides the tangible means for working directly with the Goddess and the powers of the cosmos to make a  positive difference in the world. Eighth Ray Magic® opens the door into the fascinating magical world of the inner creatrix. It invites us to step onto the pathway of divine feminine power that is true Goddess magic.

The Eighth Ray is the ray of the Goddess as creatrix, the Black Goddess known to the Ancient Eyptians as Isis-Sepdet. Black being the colour that is symbolically associated with night, that which is hidden, secret, occult and that which is connected to the heart of the cosmos, the great heart of all being and the mystery of creation. The Eighth Ray is the ray of relationship, ritual, magic and regenesis. Those who are working with the Eighth Ray are working magically and metaphysically with the power of the Goddess and the unconquerable magic of light to co-create a new way of living and being on the planet.


When the Goddess retreated from the world and our lives thousands of years ago and went into self-imposed exile, she took the magic with her. In the Aquarian Age, the Goddess has returned and she has brought the magic back with her. She has come back to help us tap into the great well of creation, the well of all possibility and infinite potentiality so we can co-create a new world together with her.

By working with the Goddess and Eighth Ray Magic® we are able to break out of a fear-based separatist mindset and the closed loop of race, ethnicity and gender conditioning.  We can work to co-create a new world, a world of inclusivity and universality.


All souls who have heard the call of the Goddess to participate in the great restoration of Mother Earth and its people will have a natural resonance with the Eighth Ray, the ray of magical co-creation, inclusivity and right relationship. These souls can work with Eighth Ray Magic® to ‘purpose good’ in their world, the world and the greater universe.


It is easy to start. You can work with Eighth Ray Magic rituals in your own home to ‘purpose good’ in your world, the world or the greater universe. The fundamental principle that underpins Eighth Ray Magic is shown in the symbol of the lemniscate. What the lemniscate symbolically shows us is that when we are conducting the Eighth Ray magic rituals for ourselves, the energy flows out into the world and back to us. When we are conducting the Eighth Ray magic rituals for the world, the energy flows to us and then back out into the world. Wherever you choose to start with Eighth Ray Magic, every time you conduct the Eighth Ray ritual, you are co-creating with the Goddess and helping to make a positive and lasting change in the world.


Light in Extension


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Eighth Ray Magick