Healing Identity Wounds & Patterns of Self-Undoing – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism RitualThe Purpose of This RitualHealing Identity Wounds & Patterns of Self-UndoingBy conducting this magickal ritual you can take ...

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Spiritual Transformation Ritual for the Purification of Air and to Assist the Element of AirThe Purpose of This RitualReleasing Patterns of Conflict on a Personal and Global ScaleSeeding in New ...

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Spiritual Transformation Ritual for the Purification of Air and to Assist the Element of AirMagickal Ritual for The Wellbeing of the Waterways of the EarthWaterways are the life blood of ...

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Healing the Misuse or Abuse of Power in Family Dynamics – Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism RitualThe Purpose Of This RitualHealing the Misuse or Abuse of Power in Family DynamicsTransmute the ...

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Spiritual Transformation Ritual: Transforming Personal and Collective Karma Generated from Anger, Aggression, Violence and CrueltyTHE ASTROLOGICAL NEW YEAROn March 21st, the astrological landscape shifts dramatically when the Sun moves into ...

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Spiritual Activism Ritual: For the Wise Use of the Earth’s Natural ResourcesMAGICAL TIMING The powerful transit of the planet Uranus into the zodiacal sign of Taurus on the 6th of March ...

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