Three Spiritual Practice Rituals that Work to Reshape the World

There are three Eighth Ray spiritual practice rituals that work to reshape the world. These rituals are the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual, the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual and the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual. Each one of these is a world creation ritual in its own right. Together these three rituals also form a triangle of magical and ritual power and are the steps of the Great Creation Ritual.

The Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual is a powerful daily ritual that is aligned with the Sun and the magical activities of creation. Each month when the Sun changes zodiacal signs, we can attune to the corresponding celestial forces to actively work with the transformative powers of the Sun. The Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual works to bring about change through dissolving existing negative conditions that impact on personal and collective wellbeing. When you practice the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual you are actively aligning with the yang and solar creation power of the masculine to call for the pain, sorrow, suffering and negative energy at a personal, world and collective level to be transmuted by the great rays of the Sun.

Keywords for the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual:

  • Solar
  • Transformation
  • Divine masculine
  • Yang power
  • Dissolving forms
  • Expiating karma
  • ‘Solve’ aspect of the alchemical dictum ‘Solve et coagula’ – dissolve and reform

The Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual is a powerful daily ritual that is aligned with the inner creatrix and the magical activities of creation. The Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual works with the interwoven rhythms of the Sun and the Moon to reweave a new reality. This is a reality where the energies of the feminine and the masculine are rewoven together to reinstate right relationship into all aspects of the holistic organism and the greater world around us. It is a ritual prayer, a call for humanity to remember and to walk the path of right relationship.

Keywords for the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual:

  • Sun and Moon
  • Conjunction
  • Right relationship
  • Yin and Yang
  • Goddess energy
  • ‘Et’ aspect of the alchemical dictum ‘Solve et coagula’ – dissolve and reform

The Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual is a powerful daily ritual that is aligned with the Moon and the magical activities of creation. Each month, at the new moon, an opportunity arises to co-create new forms and realities and bring improved ways of being into manifestation in the space created from carrying out the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual. Working with the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual is also a powerful means to heal the feminine, to heal the rift with the feminine and to heal the collective feminine.  It works with the yin and lunar creation power of the feminine.

Keywords for the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual:

  • Lunar
  • Manifestation
  • Divine feminine
  • Yin power
  • Creating forms
  • Plant new seeds
  • ‘Coagula’ aspect of the alchemical dictum ‘Solve et Coagula’ – dissolve and reform

Each new moon marks the beginning of a new cycle as does the movement of the Sun into a new zodiacal sign. For example on 23rd November 2019, the Sun moves into the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius and four days later, on November 27th, there is a new moon in the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius,

Therefore, on the 23rd November, Eighth Ray ritual magicians will begin a new solar cycle of work with the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual, working with the corresponding celestial forces of the planet Jupiter, planet of luck, expansion and empowerment; the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, zodiacal sign of growth, foresight and knowledge and the 9th Mansion of Life, mansion of life of purpose, travel and beliefs.

On the 27th of November, Eighth Ray ritual magicians will begin a new lunar cycle of work with the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual, also working with the corresponding celestial forces of the planet Jupiter, the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius and the 9th Mansion of Life.

On the days of the New Moon and for the period when the Moon and the Sun are residing in the same zodiacal sign, those who are undertaking the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual and the Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual are optimising their experience of the spiritual and alchemical benefits of this potent time. On this day, a portal of power opens that maximises the dissolving and creational forces of the three corresponding celestial powers.

You can complete the triangle of magical and ritual power of the Great Creation Ritual by also working with the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual. While there is no preferred order for Eighth Ray rituals, I would be inclined to start with the Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual.

I would love to hear from you, please share your comments and experiences below.


Light in Extension


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Eighth Ray Magick