Capricorn: Keywords, Colours and Crystals – Zodiacal Correspondences


The Keywords
Associated with Capricorn


The stellar power that shines through the zodiacal sign Capricorn is associated with the archetypes:

  • The Apprentice
  • The Achiever
  • The Executive

and the following keywords:

capricorn colour
  • ambitious
  • authoritative
  • business like
  • commercially minded
  • consolidating
  • constructive
  • determined
  • devotional
  • disciplined
  • economical
  • executive
  • persistent
  • professional
  • prudent
  • reputable
  • responsible
  • solidifying
  • steadfast
  • strategic
  • structured
  • successful
  • traditional
  • Use any of the above keywords to create your own powerful magickal intentions when working with Eighth Ray Magick Rituals and the zodiacal sign Capricorn. View instructions for creating your own Eighth Ray Magick rituals here.

    The Colours
    Associated with Capricorn

    The zodiac sign of Capricorn, governed by Saturn and belonging to the Earth element, resonates strongly with certain crystals that amplify its qualities of discipline, responsibility, and groundedness.

    Here are some of the crystals especially beneficial for Capricorns:

    These crystal associations can deepen your daily rituals or spiritual practices. Whether used in healing modalities, or for personal spiritual development, these crystals can serve as essential tools for understanding and amplifying the earthy and disciplined nature of Capricorn.

    capricorn colour


    Often associated with authority and sophistication, black perfectly encapsulates Capricorn's disciplined and serious demeanour.


    This neutral hue reflects Capricorn's balanced and practical nature, helping to create a sense of stability.


    Earthy tones like brown resonate well with Capricorn's grounded and dependable characteristics.

    Dark Green

    This colour emphasises Capricorn's affinity for tradition and their goal-oriented mindset.

    Navy Blue

    Reflecting a sense of professionalism and reliability, navy blue complements Capricorn’s responsible nature.


    This rich colour taps into Capricorn's ambitions and drive, symbolising their depth and focus.


    A neutral and versatile colour, beige embodies Capricorn's flexible yet persistent nature.

    Olive Green

    This shade reflects Capricorn's connection to the Earth element and their resourceful qualities.

    When conducting an Eighth Ray Magick Ritual with the zodiacal sign Capricorn, you can:

    Write Down or Draw Your Magickal Intention

    Write your Eighth Ray magickal intention in your journal or on a piece of paper. You can write with colour pens or pencils, or use colour pages, that have the colour associated with the zodiacal sign Capricorn. Or you can draw a picture or a symbol that represents your Eighth Ray magickal intention. Use crayons, pencils or paints that have the colour associated with the zodiacal sign Capricorn. 

    Light a Candle

    You can use the candle of the colour associated with the zodiacal sign Capricorn.

    The Crystals
    Associated with Capricorn

    The zodiac sign of Capricorn, governed by Saturn and belonging to the Earth element, resonates strongly with certain crystals that amplify its qualities of discipline, responsibility, and groundedness.

    Here are some of the crystals especially beneficial for Capricorns:

    These crystal associations can deepen your daily rituals or spiritual practices. Whether used in healing modalities, or for personal spiritual development, these crystals can serve as essential tools for understanding and amplifying the earthy and disciplined nature of Capricorn.

    capricorn crystals


    Known for its grounding and revitalising properties, Garnet aligns well with Capricorn's disciplined and ambitious nature.

    Black Tourmaline

    This protective stone helps to ground Capricorn’s practical and hardworking tendencies, offering a shield against negativity.


    Enhancing self-discipline and willpower, Onyx is well-suited to Capricorn's determined spirit.

    Smoky Quartz

    This grounding crystal aligns well with the stable, practical characteristics of Capricorn, offering emotional calm and balance.


    Known for its capacity to enhance focus and mental clarity, Fluorite supports Capricorn’s quest for efficiency and order.


    Particularly Red Jasper, this stone helps in balancing energy and increasing stamina, complementing Capricorn's persistent nature.

    Tiger's Eye

    This stone aids in decision-making and clarity, supporting Capricorn's natural leadership abilities.


    Offering emotional balance and aiding in meditation, Amethyst supports Capricorn's occasional need for introspection amidst their busy lives.


    Enhancing analytical abilities and stability, Agate is well-aligned with Capricorn's disciplined mindset.

    Lapis Lazuli

    This crystal encourages wisdom and truth, resonating well with Capricorn’s inherent drive for knowledge and higher learning.

    When conducting an Eighth Ray Magick Ritual with the zodiacal sign Capricorn, you can:

    Put Your Written Magickal Intention Under a Crystal

    Put your written Eighth Ray Magickal intention under a crystal.

    Use the crystal associated with the zodiacal sign Capricorn.

    Magickal Alchemical Formulations for Capricorn

    Use these Porta Alchémica® magickal formulations in your Eighth Ray Magick Ritual to vibrationally attune and align you to the energy and qualities of Capricorn: 

    Love and Magick 

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    About the Author

    Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber


    For over 50 years Franchelle's teachings have inspired and empowered thousands of clients and students around the world to heal themselves and help others. As a master soul healer, spiritual teacher and matriarch of magick Franchelle's life is dedicated to supporting souls like you who are serious about their personal, professional and spiritual growth.

    On this blog, in Franchelle's books and training programs and courses Franchelle shares wisdom teachings to enable you to step into the magick and mystery of infinite possibilities and your limitless potential.

    If you have heard the call to discover the magick within and effect positive powerful transformation in your own world, the world and in the greater universe, then we look forward to connecting with you.


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    Eighth Ray Magick