How to deal with sexual energy when walking a spiritual path? Is it beneficial to abstain from sex when undertaking Eighth Ray ritual to raise the kundalini energy?

It is well known in all cultures by those with esoteric knowledge that sexual intercourse is a potentially very potent magickal act that can have significant physical and metaphysical outcomes. Traditionally, in many cultures, sexual partners were carefully selected by elders and wisdom keepers to avoid or mitigate potential problems and enhance beneficial outcomes of sexual partnerships. When viewed from an occult perspective the exchange of body fluids also brings about the transference of karma from one person to another. Consequently, for those with magickal and occult knowledge, sexual relationships were treated with great care and generally speaking sexual intercourse was never treated as a recreational sport and sexual partners were carefully chosen because of this knowledge.

Sexual energy is energy that is inseparable from the energies behind creation. The expression of sexual energy is both a natural human response and a natural process. However, while sexual energy is a totally natural energy there are many factors associated with its expression that can cause the individual’s relationship with it to be problematic. There are many forms of sexual repression and the misuse or abuse of sexual energy is very common which impacts the person’s healthy relationship with sexual energy.

Each world age has a set of specific requirements. In the Aquarian Age, the requirement is to unite or integrate the physical and the spiritual realities so that one can be fully present in both the physical and the spiritual worlds. This means one must demonstrate in one’s own life that spirituality and sexuality are not inimical. They are in fact inseparably connected and interwoven.

The process which enables spiritual progress to occur is the process of raising the kundalini energy. The kundalini energy is the divine creative energy of the primal feminine that is the fire of enlightenment. The process of raising the kundalini energy is associated with being able to express some of one’s sexual energy through the throat chakra but it is not fully dependent upon it. A person must have a healthy balanced relationship with their sexual energy to enable the kundalini energy to rise.

The raising of the kundalini energy process brings about the necessary transformation in consciousness that facilitates spiritual progress and it is a natural and not a forced process. It is the controlled and directed movement of this energy that ultimately brings about enlightenment, for oneself and the collective.

The conscious and controlled raising of kundalini energy is achieved by working with the three Eighth Ray spiritual practice rituals: the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation Ritual, Eighth Ray Isis-Urania Ritual and Eighth Ray Spiritual Activism Ritual. Together these three rituals enable the kundalini energy to safely move up within the self. Daily practice of these three rituals enables a person to emerge from the limitations and ignorance of the past and awaken them to their own divine potential. In doing so they are creating a whole new world.

The three Eighth Ray spiritual practice rituals are the steps of the Great Creation Ritual which is the Great Dance of Creation performed by the divine masculine and divine feminine.

Details about the three Eighth Ray spiritual practice rituals and complete instructions are outlined in my book Eighth Ray Magick – The Magick of the Goddess – The Magick of Co-Creation.


Light in Extension


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Eighth Ray Magick