Moon Magic Ritual: A Call to Humanity to Be More Protective of Earth’s ForestsMany people around the world feel great sadness and pain watching the world news and feel like ...

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Three Spiritual Practice Rituals that Work to Reshape the WorldThere are three Eighth Ray spiritual practice rituals that work to reshape the world. These rituals are the Eighth Ray Spiritual Transformation ...

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New Year Magic Ritual: Manifest the Treasure of True WisdomAs we step into the new year, the influence of Saturn becomes very prominent in 2020, with several influential transits occurring ...

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The Ages Turn – Spiritual Practice in the Aquarian AgeApproximately every 2000 years, the Earth and humanity undergo a developmental shift that, in astrological terms, is called the ‘Precession of ...

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Mercury Retrograde brings gifts for youThe past week there have been messages plastered across social media alerting us to the fact that Mercury, the Messenger planet, has gone retrograde!IT IS ...

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Change Is Coming – Full Moon In Taurus And Partial Lunar Eclipse There’s always a bit of a buzz in the air when an eclipse is coming up…. and for good ...

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